Rock Painting

First Fridays Downtown Lebanon

Local Art Opportunity: You are invited to help bring your ART to Downtown Lebanon!  Participating Downtown businesses are hosting an initiative called FIRST FRIDAYS where shops will stay open till 9pm the frist Fridays of May-Sept 2021, beginning May 7.  There will also be live music, games, free food and activities for all ages from Jessie Insurance to the new City Hall and we will be brightening up Downtown with color and art and, for fun, the hunt for BIGFOOT!

You can participate in 2 ways:

  1. ROCK PAINTING!  We are going to make a community ROCK GARDEN along the building next to the old COURTHOUSE, which was formerly the Old Pool Hall and is now home to The Paisley Peacock!  This dirt patch will now be a colorful display of the creativity of our youth and will be added to all summer!  Rocks will be collected from each school between May 3rd-5th.  Rocks should be half dollar to fist size.  We hope all students of all abilities will participate.  Rocks can be picked up at this location after the 7th or left as more are added all summer!  Children are encouraged to come and hunt for their rocks and see the ones painted by hundreds of kids in the county!

  2. ALL 5th Graders are invited to draw, paint, or use other art mediums to create a picture preferably on 9x11 paper, for the theme: BIGFOOT ENJOYS SUMMER! Since Turtleman’s new endeavor is “Hunting BigFoot” and we hope he will make an appearance this summer, we decided to add this fun element to First Fridays  with the ongoing Hunt for Bigfoot as businesses will hide him and families can search!  And let's face it: BigFoot has been the KING of social distancing so why not, as we begin to emerge, safely of course, add this bit of MAGIC to our summer!  These pictures will be picked up at the school the same date as the rocks and will be displayed all over downtown Lebanon!  Students can pick up their art at the Paisley Peacock, 124 W Main Street some time after May 7.  BigFoot can be swimming, reading, playing at the park, on the computer or really anything their imaginations want him to do this summer! Can’t wait to see what they come up with!  Students can place their names on the back of their artwork.


Preschool-5th graders bring your painted rocks to school between May 3rd-5th.

5th graders bring your artwork to school between May 3rd-5th.

Mr. Ramey

Lebanon Elementary School

Visual Arts Teacher