Hello!  Well, I don't know about you but I did make the mistake of going to Wal-Mart on Wednesday night and got swept up in the panic.  I bought so many scented candles that my house would have smelled like a fruit basket if we had lost power. Thankfully, we only lost our internet service for several hours. I hope all of you have your power and you're able to stay warm and safe! I'm sure we'll be watching the weather carefully the next few days as well.

Oh - and Happy Valentine's Day!! Sending love your way!

Announcements from the Office
There is no school on Monday, February 15th.

February 16th is "Show Some Love for Your House/School" Day for Group A students. Wear your house colors or school spirit gear.

School pictures for Group A and virtual learners will be February 22nd. Our virtual students can come in from 1:00-2:00 pm to get their pictures taken. If you are not comfortable with your child coming to the building, you may submit a professional looking photo for us to put in the yearbook. You can bring it to school or email it to elyssa.holt@marion.kyschools.us.

A few reminders - When students are at home, they need to join Google Meets each period. When they are in person, they need to bring a water bottle and a Chromebook and charger.

Announcements from the Classroom
6th grade math (all houses) - We will continue our measurement unit focusing on the metric system and converting within the metric system. A test will be either Friday, 2/19 or the following week. It will cover customary units and metric units and converting within both of them.

7th grade ELA (both houses) - We will be analyzing Nazi propaganda to look at work choice and word meaning, author's perspective, and how print media portrays the subject and impacts readers.

6th grade ELA (both houses) - We will be looking at the difference in fiction and nonfiction texts. We will also examine the various text features an author uses to present information and make finding facts easier to find for the reader.

Camelot Science with Mrs. Wood - We will continue our matter unit.

Reading with Mrs. Wood - We are reading the science fiction novel, "The Dead and the Gone." Remember to join the meeting to listen to the audiobook.

7th grade science (both houses) - We are continuing our playlist about kinetic and potential energy.

2/15 - Marion Maroon against Taylor
2/15 - Marion Silver against St. Joe
2/16 - Marion Maroon against Bardstown
2/16 - Marion Silver against St. Catherine
2/18 - Marion Maroon against St. Dominic
2/18 - Marion Silver against Boston