Announcements from the Office
There is NO school Friday, 9/3 or Monday, 9/6.

MCMS Beta will continue to accept new and returning members through next week.  If your child is absent and unable to return their fee, let Mr. Tungate or Mrs. Thompson know and we will make arrangements for them to join.

Don't forget to charge your Chromebook Monday night!  

Please make sure your child is only bringing water to school.  Carbonated beverages can ruin their devices.

Announcements from the Classroom
6th grade ELA - This week we began our mini-unit on using context clues to figure out the meaning of unknown words.  Next week we will review using context clues with multiple meaning words.

6th grade science - We will be finishing our first unit "Earth and the Solar System" on Friday, Sept 10th with a culminating exam.

6th grade math (both houses) - The test scheduled for Friday, September 3rd will now be on Tuesday, September 7.  It will cover multi-digit long division and interpreting quotients and remainders.  Students were given a study guide that needs to be completed.  Answer key has also been placed in google classroom so the students can check their answers and understanding.  TEST TUESDAY!!!

6th grade social studies - The test has been rescheduled for Tuesday, September 7th.

Lancelot social studies - We are beginning Unit 2 this week.  We will be learning about the rise and fall of Medieval West African Kingdoms.

Excalibur social studies - We just finished our unit on the Fall of Rome and the Byzantine Empire.  The test was given on Tuesday.  Any student that hasn't taken the test needs to do so ASAP - the code is on Google classroom.  We are now working on our second unit, The Kingdoms of Africa.

7th grade science - We will begin our unit covering body systems next week.  Science test on Tuesday over the scientific method and cells.

Lancelot ELA - We will be practicing short answer responses about mood, tone and perspective.  We have a library day on Wednesday.

PE students - We will be doing fitness testing next week.  Please wear tennis shoes on days you have PE.

Students can have a sack lunch, salad or one of the below:
Tuesday - Cheeseburger or pizza
Wednesday - Baked ziti 
Thursday - BBQ Pulled Pork or pizza
Friday - Chicken alfredo or burger