Good morning, MCMS parents and students! This is just a reminder that our office will be closed on Friday, January 15th. We will be checking our voicemail throughout the day. If you leave a message, we will return your call ASAP. Thank you!
about 4 years ago, Paige Mattingly
MCMS Parents and Students: The MCMS office will be closed on Friday, January 8th. Please leave us a voicemail if you need us. We will be checking our messages all day and will get back with you as soon as possible. Thank you!
about 4 years ago, Paige Mattingly
If you are interested in trying out for middle school volleyball there is a Google form that you will be asked to complete. You can find this form on our Facebook page. Also, the form will be sent out in our parent newsletter this coming Friday, January 8th. The form must be completed on or before Monday, January 11th. Thank you!
about 4 years ago, Paige Mattingly
Marion County Middle School BETA Club will be having a virtual meeting on Thursday, January 7th at 3:15pm. BETA members: The Zoom link is in your Google Classroom. We will be discussing competition deadlines for state convention.
about 4 years ago, Paige Mattingly
Hello everyone! There will be an informational Zoom meeting for parents and students who filled out the MCMS Academic Team Interest Form on Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021 at 6:00 PM. In this meeting, we will go over the virtual format of quick recall & the requirements to participate as well as important dates for Governor's Cup. If your student filled out the form and is interested in playing quick recall, please make sure you attend this meeting! The meeting link will be sent to your student's email address as well as posted to Facebook a few minutes before the meeting begins. If you have any questions, please email
about 4 years ago, Paige Mattingly
MCMS parents and students: paper copies of progress reports are available in our office. You can pick those up between 8am-3pm Monday through Thursday of this week. If you do not want a hard copy, you can go on Infinite Campus parent portal to see your student's grades. Thank you!
about 4 years ago, Paige Mattingly
Good afternoon! Virtual learning will start again on Tuesday, January 5th. We are looking forward to seeing our students again ! Have a safe and happy New Year!
about 4 years ago, Paige Mattingly
The MCMS office will be closed for holiday break Friday, December 18th through January 1st. We wish all of you a happy, healthy, and safe holiday!
about 4 years ago, Paige Mattingly
Our MCMS Jolly Jamboree is Thursday, December 17th from 3:00-5:00pm at the front of MCMS. We will be giving out goodies to our students! Please drive through and see us!
about 4 years ago, Paige Mattingly
The Dream Bus will be at the following locations on Thursday, December 10th: Raywick City Park: 12:30-1:30 Hamilton Heights: 1:30-3:00 We will be giving out FREE books, bookmarks, and chips! We hope to see you there!
about 4 years ago, Paige Mattingly
Look for the Dream Bus on Thursday, December 10th! We will have library books for students to check out and read over the holiday break. We will also be giving out bookmarks and chips for students to enjoy while reading. The Dream Bus will be at the following locations: Raywick City Park: 12:30-1:30 Hamilton Heights: 2:00-3:00
about 4 years ago, Paige Mattingly
Good afternoon! This is just a reminder that the MCMS office will be closed tomorrow, Friday 12/4. However, we will be checking voicemails throughout the day. If you need us, please leave a message and we will get back to you ASAP. Thank you!
about 4 years ago, Paige Mattingly
We don't want to miss seeing you in class. Use the schedule so that you are on time.
over 4 years ago, Cheryl May
Use the schedule to help you be on-time. We don't want to miss seeing you!
Please take a moment to store the Marion County Middle School phone number: 270-692-4578. We've been told that some internet searches show a different number for MCMS. While that info is not under our control, we are working to have it corrected.
over 4 years ago, MCPS Communications
The weather wasn't perfect, but we still handed out over 24,000 meals this week! If you plan on collecting meals next Thursday, please fill out the Meal Package Order form:
over 4 years ago, MCPS Nutrition
MCMS Parents and Students: Don't forget that Friday, October 23rd is an NTI day. Have a safe weekend! #MCMSknightsrising
over 4 years ago, Paige Mattingly
We're excited to offer local apples from Hinton's Orchard & Farm Market this week in our schools!
over 4 years ago, MCPS Nutrition
Don't forget: Our first re-entry date for Distance-Learners who want to return to In-Person learning is Wed., September 23. Please contact your child's school if your child will be transitioning to In-Person learning.
over 4 years ago, Jason Simpson
Important Info
The following is a message from the MCPS Transportation Department we emailed to families earlier today: Parents, Given the circumstances surrounding COVID-19, we cannot currently allow what we historically have called "note riders" -- that is, students who bring a note in order to ride a bus when they typically do not use MCPS transportation. For example, a student would not be able to bring a note indicating that he/she will ride a bus to a friend's house on a particular day. In the past, we've been able to accommodate those situations, but with our current set of COVID-19-related health requirements, this is not possible. However, we are able to work with families if a student who normally rides a bus needs to be dropped off at a different location. For example, some students may occasionally need to be dropped off at a relative's home. As we continue to receive health-related guidance, we'll update our procedures and share that information with you. Thank you and please stay healthy.
over 4 years ago, MCPS Communications
mcps logo
Reminder: Our first re-entry date for students currently enrolled in Distance-Learning is September 23. Please communicate with your school if your child plans to return to In-Person learning.
over 4 years ago, MCPS Communications