September 22, 2020
The Lincoln Trail District Health Department (LTDHD) has provided MCPS a notification of close contacts letter to share with our families. The letter includes information on how L...

September 18, 2020
Marion County High School has provided a one-stop place to get information about distance learning and re-entry to in-person learning. Please click the link below to access this ...

September 15, 2020
Marion County Public Schools has unveiled a host of new communication tools to help keep parents and community members informed.
First, and perhaps most obviously, is the distr...

September 15, 2020
Beginning Monday, September 14th, no student will be moved from in-person to distance learning without a phone call from a parent/guardian.
This week, we have communicated wi...

September 10, 2020
It may not have been the actual first days of school, but for many of us it certainly felt that way as we have welcomed students back into our buildings this week.

September 8, 2020
Portrait of a Graduate
The MCPS Portrait of a Graduate is a collaborative project to define what it should mean to be a graduate of Marion County Public Schools. We soug...
September 8, 2020
All ticket sales will be in advance. No ticket sales at the gate. Ticket price...

September 2, 2020
Marion County Public Schools will return to In-Person Instruction starting Tuesday, September 8 MCPS Superintendent Taylora Schlosser announced September 2. However, Schlosser al...

August 26, 2020
Eleven Marion County High School students have been selected to join the MCPS Student Ambassador organization, co-advisors Laurie Followell and Troy Benningfield recently announce...
January 6, 2020
A new visitor management system is being implemented to improve
student safety at all of our district schools and the
Administration Center. This system will start being used...
January 6, 2020
Marion County High School will be conducting a safety drill procedure on Wednesday, January 8th around noon to simulate a gas leak situation. It will involve the fire department,...
January 5, 2020
We are accepting new Substitute employment applications. We are
looking for applicants in all areas including teachers, teacher aides,
custodians, and cooks. All substitute ...
January 5, 2020
Welcome to Marion County High School! We're so glad that you've decided to join us this year.
Marion County High School offers students a traditional comprehensive